
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Basic Ways to improve the singing skills

Everyone wants to sing and wish to become a popular singer.
Here are basic tips to know;

Listen Songs Everyday
It is a simple way to discover yourself if you a have a talent in singing. Once you hear the music and feel with full of emotion to sing with, so you have the potential to become a singer.

Keep on listening in all type genres and these will help you to know the behavior of your voice. Today Mp3 players, I pod and cell phones are so popular because it can be carry everywhere it makes a way listen your favorite songs easily.

But remember, over loud of volume with your player it may destroy your ear drum and it results to deafness. Ears are the most important tool to make you sing better in a correct pitch.

Determine your voice Behavior, voice range and the
Quality of your voice

This image is a C Major scales and the last note is "me" if you can hit the highest note your range is high.

Every person is special and has unique style of voice. Like Karen Carpenter, was the finest female vocalist of all time she developed her low voice range and she was really excellent with it. Karen Carpenter expressed the purest and natural voice sound.

So, it is necessary for you to know your range and not forcing yourself to sing High notes. If Karen did not know her strength she might not be legendary because of the finest, purest and natural sound of voice quality.

Another is Celine Dion, she is known as the pop music's most influential voices described as Queen of Pop. Many singers tried to imitate her voice, and there were successful but there were frustrated.

It is not important to be like many popular singers because you teach yourself not to know who you really are. Be yourself is always your priority and do what is being capable of your voice range and keep on improving it until you will get the excellent voice quality that no one can ever copy it.

Have you heard the singer in Cranberries band? This voice is so difficult to imitate, try start experimenting by know your voice. What if you have more ability than the Cranberries singer? Try and try, practice and practice.

You need to have a Master Song Piece
Listen to songs is not enough to become a singer. Instead of singing their songs is one way to achieve more improvements in your singing skill. You need to master songs because it is your tool for your exposure to let the people know that you can sing.

Master many songs with your voice range and if you think that you have more singing style than the original singer, do it and be sure that it is great to hear.

Lastly, it is better if you master to sing old songs from 1950’s-90, so that when people hear it in modern times they will appreciate you with your performance and there is possibility that you have many fans they push to become professional performer.

Or you can join some music industry websites that is definitely a good place to hangout as a musician. In this case, I recommend

 Last updated: April 13, 2012